20 Years Experience20多年丰富经验

Timway was built on family values, moving through generations of hardworking Australians.Starting out in a small office, Tim created a small and humble construction business completing small-medium subdivisions, town houses/multi-unit dwellings and stand-alone homes in the residential environment. Tim’s passion for the industry and his family was a key driver in his successes.Timway 建立在家庭价值观的基础上,经历了几代辛勤工作的澳大利亚人。Tim 从一个小办公室开始,创建了一个小型而简陋的建筑业务,完成了住宅中的中小型细分、联排别墅、多单元住宅和独立住宅环境。Tim对这个行业和他的家庭的热情是他成功的关键驱动力。

Our Aim我们的愿景

Being a business run on real family values, we understand the importance of creating not just a home but a lifestyle.Every Timway home is completed with experience and quality that is designed to suit our customer’s individual visions. We understand that every customer is different – different families, lifestyles and cultures – and we believe delivering a flexible customer experience is important in ensuring we deliver a product that will make our customers want to build again.作为一家以真正的家庭价值观为基础的企业,我们了解创造不仅是一个家而且是一种生活方式的重要性。每个 Timway 家都具有经验和质量,旨在满足我们客户的个人愿景。我们了解每个客户都是不同的——不同的家庭、生活方式和文化——我们相信提供灵活的客户体验,让客户充分的信任我们。


Our dynamic design team are passionate about making the details of your new Timway home perfect for you. We’re here to help you with ideas and fresh design solutions for your new home.From the initial concept to the final result, your build is an exciting time and our experience and knowledge will help pull your look together and put your individual stamp on it. 我们充满活力的设计团队热衷于为您打造完美的 Timway 新家细节。我们在这里为您的新家提供创意和全新的设计解决方案。从最初的概念到最终结果,您的建造是一个激动人心的时刻,我们的经验和知识将让你的房子不仅外观美丽和而且富有个性。


We are on a mission to not be a large, overrun business but a respectable family run business that continues to offer innovative and quality homes that provides a lifestyle to our customers.The Timway Soul is embedded in all our staff to ensure we provide our customers with everything they need in their new home. Our passion is building homes. Homes that exceed expectations in quality, inclusions and tailored service. Live the Life of Your Dreams. When you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes and setbacks along the way. But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve.我们的使命不是成为一家庞大的超支企业,而是一家受人尊敬的家族企业,继续提供创新和优质的住宅,为我们的客户提供完善的生活方式。Timway的核心价值融入了我们所有的员工中,以确保我们为客户提供他们新家中所需的一切。我们的热情是建造房屋、翻新旧房。在质量、包容性和量身定制的服务方面超出很多房东的预期。过你梦想的生活。当你开始过你梦想中的生活时,一路上总会遇到障碍、怀疑、错误和挫折。但是,通过努力工作、坚持不懈和自信,您可以取得无限的成就,共勉之。


We are focused on customer service. We hand-pick team members who suit your situation and aim to be sensitive to your concerns and personal situation.We offer value pricing to provide you with certainty about the costs you will be incurring, and we use plain language so you are always able to understand what is going on.我们专注于客户服务。我们精心挑选适合您情况的团队成员,旨在对您的顾虑和个人情况保持敏感。我们提供价值定价,让您确定您将产生的成本,我们使用简单的语言,因此您始终能够了解在诉讼中发生了什么

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